he Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet

14 سبتمبر 2014آخر تحديث :
he Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet

Art director and designer Kevin Weir has created something new: a set of haunting, black-and-white GIFs of vintage photos that bring the subjects and scenery to life.

These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


For the GIFs, Weir uses historic photos from theLibrary of Congress photo stream of portraits and war scenes. Many of the photos have rarely been seen by most of the public.

These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


When asked about the inspiration behind his absurd GIFs, Weir told BuzzFeed News, “I think that’s just where my imagination goes.”

These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


“I just like making weird stuff. H.P. Lovecraft is a pretty strong influence on these, with that feeling of unknowable horror lurking at the edges of society.”

These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


(H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror fiction author who achieved posthumous fame.)

These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


Weir added, “Also, history was pretty grim and brutal. I think I’m tapping into that a little bit too.”

These Are The Most Terrifying, Ghostly GIFs On The Internet


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