ألمانيا تعتزم الاستعانة بلاجئين لدمجهم في سوق العمل

25 يوليو 2016آخر تحديث :
German police lead arriving migrants across a field to a transport facility after gathering them at the border to Austria on October 28, 2015 near Wegscheid, Germany. Bavarian Governor Horst Seehofer has accused the Austrian government of wantonly shuttling migrants in buses from the Slovenian border across Austria and dumping them at all hours of day and night at the border to Germany. German authorities have recorded over 7,000 migrants arriving daily since the weekend as a bottleneck of migrants in Slovenia and Croatia finally arrived in Austria. Germany has registered over 800,000 migrants this year and Chancellor Angela Merkel is mounting pressure on European Union member states that so far have shown great reluctance to accept any migrants at all to finally share the burden of accommodating the newcomers, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn Syria.
German police lead arriving migrants across a field to a transport facility after gathering them at the border to Austria on October 28, 2015 near Wegscheid, Germany. Bavarian Governor Horst Seehofer has accused the Austrian government of wantonly shuttling migrants in buses from the Slovenian border across Austria and dumping them at all hours of day and night at the border to Germany. German authorities have recorded over 7,000 migrants arriving daily since the weekend as a bottleneck of migrants in Slovenia and Croatia finally arrived in Austria. Germany has registered over 800,000 migrants this year and Chancellor Angela Merkel is mounting pressure on European Union member states that so far have shown great reluctance to accept any migrants at all to finally share the burden of accommodating the newcomers, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn Syria.


تعتزم وزارة الدفاع الألمانية تقديم المساعدة في دمج اللاجئين في سوق العمل بألمانيا، وقالت وزيرة الدفاع أورزولا فون دير لاين في تصريحات لصحيفة “فرانكفورتر ألجيماينه زونتاجس تسايتونج” الألمانية الأسبوعية في عددها الصادر يوم الأحد: “يشارك الجيش الألماني في تدريب ما يزيد على مئة لاجئ في المهارات المدنية في البداية في إطار مشروع تجريبي”.

وأوضحت أن التدريب يشمل الحرف اليدوية ومجال التكنولوجيا والطب والخدمات اللوجيستية، وقالت: “إن الفكرة تتمثل في أنهم (أن اللاجئين) سيعودون يوما ما إلى سورية وسيساعدون في الإعمار”.

ولكن الوزيرة الألمانية شددت على ضرورة ألا يتم الاستعانة بالسوريين كجنود في الجيش الألماني، وقالت إنه يمكن لألمانيا تقديم الدعم في تدريب القوات في سورية، إذا تولت الأمور حكومة مسؤولة هناك.

German police lead arriving migrants across a field to a transport facility after gathering them at the border to Austria on October 28, 2015 near Wegscheid, Germany. Bavarian Governor Horst Seehofer has accused the Austrian government of wantonly shuttling migrants in buses from the Slovenian border across Austria and dumping them at all hours of day and night at the border to Germany. German authorities have recorded over 7,000 migrants arriving daily since the weekend as a bottleneck of migrants in Slovenia and Croatia finally arrived in Austria. Germany has registered over 800,000 migrants this year and Chancellor Angela Merkel is mounting pressure on European Union member states that so far have shown great reluctance to accept any migrants at all to finally share the burden of accommodating the newcomers, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn Syria.

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